Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm 'round, but not here

AS ye all knows, Ize quite a busy feller an' I dont reallie hab da time fer dis here commentary az ov late.

I plan t' pop in from time t' time, but pleeze dont 'spect me to be doing anie writin' here no more.

I dos a lot ov commentary on an' sum otha blogs.

If'n ye wants me t' 'dress some topic, sen me a e-letter an' I'll a do a post.

C Brown

Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama Chooses Lincoln's Bible for Inauguration

President-elect Barack Obama will use the same Bible at his inauguration that Abraham Lincoln used for his swearing in. Obama will be the first president since Lincoln to use that Bible...

read more

Las time a man put his hand on dat dare Bible wit da promace of changes, over 600,000 Amerikans wuz dead in four years. If Mista Pressident Bama is da new Abe Lincoln, den we is in fer some real changes fer sho'!

What should we 'spect frum Bama, we'll let's see what we got from his hero:
  • He was a mercantilist and a political tool of corrupt Northern business interests.
  • He was a railroad industry lobbyist who championed corporate welfare.
  • He once represented a slave owner in a case in which he sought to recover his runaway slaves. Lincoln lost the case and the slaves gained their freedom.
  • He advocated sending all blacks back to Africa, Central America, or Haiti – anywhere but the U.S.
  • He proposed strengthening the Fugitive Slave Law.
  • He opposed the extension of slavery into the territories so that "free white people" would not have to associate with blacks or compete with them for jobs.
  • He opposed black citizenship in Illinois and supported the state’s constitution which prohibited the emigration of black people into the state.
  • He was the head of the Illinois Colonization Society, which advocated the use of state tax dollars to deport the small number of free blacks that resided within the state.
  • He nullified the early emancipation of slaves in Missouri and Georgia early in the war.
  • He sent troops to New York City to put down a draft riot by shooting hundreds of them in the streets.
  • He was an enemy of free-market capitalism.
  • He started a war over tax collection that ended up killing 620,000 Americans and wounding and maiming even more.
  • He conjured up the spectacular lie that no such thing as state sovereignty ever existed to "justify" his invasion and conquest of the Southern states.
  • He refused to meet with Confederate peace commissioners before the war to work out a peaceful compromise.
  • He provoked the upper South – Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee – to secede by launching a military invasion of their sister states.
  • He supported economic interventionism through protectionist tariffs, corporate welfare, and central banking that would plunder one section of the country (the South) for the benefit of his Northern political supporters.
  • He started a war without the consent of Congress; illegally declared martial law; illegally blockaded Southern ports; illegally suspended habeas corpus and arrested tens of thousands of political opponents; illegally orchestrated the secession of West Virginia; shut down hundreds of opposition newspapers and imprisoned their editors and owners; deported the most outspoken member of the Democratic Party opposition, Congressman Clement L. Vallandigham of Ohio; confiscated private property, including firearms; ignored the Ninth and Tenth Amendments; tolerated the arrest of ministers who refused to publicly pray for him; arrested duly elected members of the Maryland legislature as well as Congressman Henry May of Baltimore; and supported a law that indemnified federal officials from all of these illegal acts.
  • He orchestrated the rigging of Northern elections.
  • Introduced the slavery of conscription and income taxation.
  • Censored all telegraph communication.
  • Waged war on civilians by having his armies bomb Southern cities and destroy or steal crops, livestock and private property throughout the South.
  • Created an enormous political patronage system that survives today.
  • Allowed the unjust mass execution of Sioux Indians in Minnesota.
  • Destroyed the system of federalism and states’ rights that was created by the founding fathers, thereby destroying the voluntary union.
  • Promoted generals for their willingness to use troops as cannon fodder.
  • Created an internal revenue bureaucracy that has never diminished in size and power.
Wit a hero an' menter lik dat, weeze in big trouble! I got dat dare list from dis here artikle. Look out folks, here comes change!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Press-a-dint 'Bama & the Yankee Flag

Lots'a folks is mad 'bout dis here flag with da 'Bama on it, but not ol' Cooter:

It's dis one dat causes ol' Cooter a lil' disconfart:

I'm a all fer libertee, y'all, but to desecrate the yankee flag o' occupashun is one thing, da desecrshun of da battle flag o' freedom is quite anotha.

Glad my pappy didn't live t' see dis 'bamanation! (Git it? 'Bama-Nashun. now dat's funnie!)

Lawrd a mercy!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Y'all miss me?

I knows I bin gone a while, but I ain't forgot 'bout my fans.

Wit de eleckshuns over, there ain't much t' talk 'bout dat wont bring on da anger or da depression.

McBama is a donin' mor of th' same stealing and usurpin' power not delegated in th' Constitushun.

I'll do betta dis year wit writin' an' all. Holler at me if you want ol' Cooter to commint on anything ye may come across.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Cooter's Electshun Indoorsmints fer SC

Welp, here I is again. I been too plum sick of all deese camp-pains, news, an' otha madness in dis here land dat I jest 'bout threw my t.v. out in da dern 'mader patch and de radio to boot!

OK, I knows all of migh fans is a' wonderin' whose Cooter's picks fer the pressdent, SINate, & howse... So, 'cause I'm a friend of de peoples an' 'cause dey value ol' Cooter's 'pinion, here goes Cooter's Electshun Indoorsmints fer SC:

If'n you feel ye must vote fer dis here orrifice (I ain't votin' fer pressdent), I says anyone but McBama. If'n I was t' vote fer Pressdent, I'd probly chuse Chuck Baldwin. Howeber, any third partie peoples will do-- itsa protess vote...

I'm a votin' fer Flat Top Bob Conley. Heeze a pro-constitushun, anteestablishmint feller. My nefew met him a few months-a-go an' says he's a strait-shooter. Funnie hair, but a nice feller. Anotha four years of Miss Lindsey Gram an' wheal all be broke and a speakin' spandish. Heeze a traidor an' scalawag-- da werst kinda politickshun!

Fer de howse, dere is miny districks, so I'm a gonna make hit easy fer ya: If'n dey alreay a servin', vote 'em out! All incumberbunments gots to go. Dey all sold us down de dern riber wit da bail-out an' immegrashun "reformation." Forgit 'bout partie, vote 'gainst dose folks whos alredy cut hour throats. Send 'em home.

Fer yer state an' local orrifices, look at dem car-fully. Dey's da mostest import-ant. Dey watch over yer back yard an' we need folks who will say NO to da thugs an' thiefes in Warshington. Mostlie, vote 'gainst th' incumberbunments, butr only if dey is shown dey is sold out.

Don forgit 'bout yer mayers and councilormens fer yer citys an' towns. Don't forgit 'bout countie an' yer edumakashun boards and all dem local things-- problie wouln'e hurt to shake dat up aswell-- bye to mostofda incumberbunments.

Welp, I guess dat about does it fer now. Im 'a gonna trie to check in wit y'all more off-tin.

'Member, vote earlie an' vote often an' put yer local and state folks first in yer brains- Warshington caint be saived. Grab ye guns cause thins is 'bout to git reel ugly...


Cooter B

Friday, September 5, 2008

Nutin' to sey

I'm so sik uv dese convenshus-- 'publicans an' sinner! I hain't got nuttin to sey! Plum sik, I am!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Secession Day, Y'all!

Y'all know, of corse, 232 years ago t’day, the Colonies hear in Amerika, 13 of ‘em anyways, seceded frum dat British Empire-- a mighty fine day in tha histo'y of our peoples and of liberty an' se'f determinashun in a general sorta way.

We whooped the tar out of ‘em hear in ol' Carolina! [Ahhh! Jest think’a Genral Moultrie sending Admiral Parter back our t’sea in that big ol’ ship with all the fancy cannons and such frum a small palmetter tree fort on Sullivan’s Island! Da Swamp Fox, ambushin' dem red coats! Yes, sir! Whin giants walked in da Earth!]

Anyways, on de forth, I kinda like t'read the Declareeshun of Independence (Shoulda been called Tha Declareeshun of Secessun, I think-- more appropos, as they say). I read hit this mornin'. Mighty fine reedin’! Here's the part I like tha best:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government...

[Such turn of phrase, Mista Jefferson! Mighty fine readin'!]

It’s a dawg-gone shame, I tell ya, dat we no longer believe dat govment derives its jest powers frum tha consent of tha govahned!

Dat "revolushunary" idea stopped in 1865 when tha South was fo'ced t'submit t'an autho'ity frum which they had took-back their consent. [Now, fer my yankee reeders, dat’s a damn fact and I’m a not apoligise fer it! Dat’s when hit all started; dat's when we all lost! Period. ]

Anyways, dis here set a precedent dat has corntinued t'destroy our da-gum liberties on account o' its innovashun an' implementashun by wicked usurpers an' tyrants who hav a trampled tha Consteetooshun of our fo'barers unner foot to make us, tha peoples, subjecks to tha big ol' gov'ment rite hear in our own damn country! Wuz it not tha intent of our fo'barers t'have hit tha other way aroun'? Sho'nuff twas!

An now we know dat tha govment derives its (unjust) powers frum tha point of a bayonet, tha barrel of a gun, o' tha receivin' ind of tha bomb!

It also derives its (unjust) powers by tha intimidashun of tha citizens by tha tax colleckter an' other govment agenceys and regulaters who terro'ize an' intimithae tha peoples into submisshun.

Damn shame, I’d say. To hav fallen so dern far, dis peoples, a daaaamn shame!

Now, we believe, o' hav been lead t'believe, dat MITE MAKES RITE.

Now dis here was not tha foun'ashun on which our country was established!

I can a see no reason t'celebrate tha principles dat lead tha Colonies t'secede frum tha British Empire on account o' we, no longer hold them truths to be se'f-evident o' unalienable, fo’ that matter. Just traded one empire fer another, seems ta me… One King George fer another. All de while talking ‘bout our freedoms! Make me wanna cuss!

Although glo'ious in 1776, "Independence Day" in 2008 is a troublin' day fer myself-- a day filled wif joy, so'row, an' anger-- especially fo' them of us who still believe in them unalienable rights-- them rights which tha Laws of Nature an' of Nature's God intitle us-- them rights claimed by our fo'barers an' paid fo' wif tha blood of patriots...

Y’all think on dat whist yer popin’ fire-crackers and eatin’ pulled pork!

Cooter Brown
Jefferson Station, South Carolina